Huge congratulations for either your baby or your pregnancy! We completely understand that being given a diagnosis of Down’s syndrome is a very difficult time – we’ve been there. We’d love you to be part of our group in whatever way works for you – please do get in touch, come along to one of our activities, join our Facebook group or simply browse our web site. Our group can help you understand the diagnosis; signpost you to relevant services and information; and offer informal support from our group members.
- If you are a new parent and would like to speak to someone from the group, you can get in touch with Jo, our new parent contact, on 07976 637 022 or by emailing [email protected]
- Parents from our group have created a book – written by parents, for parents – about what they wish they’d known when they received their baby’s diagnosis. Find out more on the What I Wish I’d Known page, including how to get your own copy.
And remember, while there is a lot to come to terms with after a diagnosis of DS, don’t forget to enjoy your beautiful baby – congratulations again!
Some useful links
Here are some links to articles you may find interesting. All these have been recommended by families in our group. We are not responsible for the content on external websites.
Dear Future Mom
A beautiful video made in Italy showing people with DS telling a future mum what to expect:
Chromosomes R Us
A short film made by the fabulous Shabang, just along the road from us in Huddersfield, and funded by BBC Children in Need. This video, which is featured with the kind permission of Shabang, stars kids explaining DS in a wonderful way. Click here to visit the Shabang! website
Don’t Limit Me
A short but powerful video made by Megan, who has Down’s syndrome:
A fabulous video made in Germany to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, of people with DS dancing to Pharrell Williams’ hit song. Guaranteed to make you happy:
Other articles and blog posts
- A Huffington post article where 48 parents of children with DS say what they wish they’d known when they first heard the diagnosis. Warning – contains very cute photos! Click here to read
- A blog on The Mighty, where a mum of a child with DS lists 21 things she wants new parents to know. Click here to read
- Another blog from The Mighty, written by a mum telling her story of diagnosis. Click here to read
- An open letter from a mum of a boy with DS to newly diagnosed parents, published on Mamapedia. Click here to read
We hope you find these articles useful and inspirational. If you come across other links you’d like us to put on this page, please get in touch with Andrea via [email protected] – thanks!